Thursday, April 29, 2010


I have kids. Brilliant kids. Deep souls. Insightful. Sensitive. Maddening. Beautiful. Tonight I feel the fool for not recognizing enough that they are becoming adults. Adults who are forming opinions about the world and its people. I need to treat them as my children. Raise them. Teach them. Discipline them. Praise them. But I also need to treat them as adults. Respect their thoughts and ideas. Give them space. Discipline them less. Trust them even when they make mistakes.

My kids were so much fun when they were younger. I would play with them. Laugh with them. Take them many places. Things have changed. They are fun, but fun in a different way. They are more challenging. They are making more mistakes - some that will have more long term effects. I've never been one to look back and say I wish things were the way they used to be. I try to take things moment by moment. Appreciate what I can. As I'm typing this there is suddenly a part of me that wishes my kids were a bit easier to raise. But the bigger part of me is so happy to be in this stage and watch them become these amazing people. They are the best part of my life.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

This is one of my favorite pictures. I like taking solo trips to fish or hunt. The trips help clear my mind and allow me to reinvigorate myself. I have taken fewer trips over the years. I need to take more. This was taken in Island Park, Idaho in June of 2008. I stayed there for several days and it snowed every day. This picture was taken as I drove into Island Park on the first day. A shower had passed through and the road was slightly wet and the clearing clouds were turning orange. The reason I like the picture is because it reminds me of my road trips. The road rises gently until it seems to disappear in the distance. The road that leads to the sky and the freedom of flight.


It has been a few months since I have visited. I don't have anything to say. My life needs less blue.

Monday, November 16, 2009

If trust is lost, can it ever really be restored?

Monday, November 2, 2009


I need some perspective on my perspective. One of the hardest things to do in life is to determine whether your reactions to events are appropriately measured. You have to be yourself, but a lack of perspective can be damaging to yourself and others in the long run.

Try to step outside and watch yourself. Do it in relation to those you admire most.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Basic needs.

Food and water.

The human body.
The soul.

The body needs the soul.
The soul does not need the body.

The one eternal need is love.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Riding a motorcycle without a helmet is like having God run his fingers through your hair.

There aren't many more days left to ride this year. Today was a nice one. Leaves falling from trees, hitting the road, spinning as traffic flies through, flying up to graze my face.

A beautiful ride.